Pre Let for 2021/22 Academic Year on 52 Week Contract
Council Tax Band D
An elegantly renovated and remodelled Georgian property which displays a wealth of charm, character with bright alluring light set within this exquisite period residence. This fine property boasts Eight bedrooms, four bathrooms and two receptions rooms complimented by a modernised kitchen. Outside offers off road parking and a garden.
SITUATION The property lies within a prime central City location, set within the vicinity of the University of Exeter and approximately a mile from the City's High Street and Cathedral.
DIRECTIONS Please be aware the address listed is our Exeter office as this is a confidential listing.
For further information please contact the office.
AGENTSNOTES This is a confidential listing, therefore the address of this listing is our Rosewood Property office address, for further details or a conversation about this property or your property please contact Brett Hampton who has over two decades experience within the property market.
Stamp Duty Due
Based on a sale price of £850,000 the total amount of stamp duty payable will be:
Last updated: The calculators have been updated following the end of the stamp duty holiday on 30th June 2021. Until the end of September 2021, it represents a staggered return to previous rates.